Medical and hazardous waste

Improper disposal of needles can injure garbage workers or, if contaminated, can transmit diseases.

It is illegal in Oregon to dispose of medical sharps in the garbage.




Are examples of medical sharps.

Do not place Syringes, needles or lancets or sharp potentially harmfull objects in  your trash or waste bin!

Safe Disposal:
Store the sharp objects  in approved  biohazard containers, leak proof, rigid and puncture proof only (Not coffe cans, any type of cans or containers).

Biohazard containers are available at many  pharmacies, medical supply stores and Metro’s two hazardous waste facilities.
Metro offers an inexpnsive sharps container exchange program in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington counties..

See the metro site for information or call the Metro Information Line • 503-234-3000